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William Peterson continues to participate in the Vis International Commercial Moot.

William Peterson continues to participate in the Vis International Commercial Moot.

Publié le : 23/03/2021 23 mars mars 03 2021

William Peterson continues to participate in the Vis International Commercial Moot.

He recently coached the Aix-en-Provence team and/or acted as arbitrator in virtual premoots in Nice, Fordham (NY), London (Fox Williams), and the premoot in Rio where the team placed 3rd out of 30 teams mostly from Brazil. The team also argued in Mexico City recently in the II Galicia Pre-Moot.

Sincere remerciements to Professor Giulio Cesare Giorgini in Nice and to Peter Ashford at Fox Williams in London and to the organizers of the other premoots!  

This year's case concerns the development of a vaccine for Covid 19 and the scope of two potentially conflicting licenses for research in this area. Respondent seeks to join a 3rd party into the arbitration to clarify the latter's alleged "claim" for an exclusive license, but it does not agree to hold virtual hearings to hear evidence from witnesses and experts. 

This could not be a more current topic. Bravo to the moot problem drafter, Professor Dr. Stefan Kröll, an experienced arbitrator and Vis Moot Director residing in Köln Germany. 

William is co-founder of the international arbitration program that incorporates preparation of a team selected from students in the Master 2 Degree International Business Law at the Institute of Business Law -IDA (Aix-Marseille University). 

He currently co-chairs the program with Professor Denis Mouralis.

The team will be pleading in internal practice sessions and a premoot in Budapest before the final event in Vienna at the end of March.

Wish the team luck. They will need it as there will be almost 400 law universities represented in Vienna.


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