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California Bar Association (CLA) meetings 13 to 15/9

California Bar Association (CLA) meetings 13 to 15/9

Publié le : 24/09/2018 24 septembre sept. 09 2018

William Peterson attended the CLA meetings in San Diego to continue to develop relations between the Bars of Marseille and California as the two Bars have put into place a friendship agreement. Here William is with the CLA International Section Chairs Alexandra Darraby and Michael Newman together with part of the Marseille Delegation.
We attended networking meetings organized by the International Section, meeting delegations from Japan, Mexico, Viet Nam and continuing education classes. William also attended a workshop on international arbitration in California given by Jeffrey Daar (Los Angeles) and Kazuhiko Nishihara (Osaka) and attended the ADR committee’s meeting with mediators/judges and arbitration specialists. William plans to intervene in a webinar on cross boarder mediation with lawyers from California, Osaka and Columbia (tbc).


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